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Treatment and Prevention of Hepatitis A

Some risks are worth taking; Hepatitis A isn't one of them.

How can hepatitis A be treated?

There is currently no treatment for hepatitis A; however, it usually resolves on its own within 3-6 months. Recommendations to help recovery and stop infecting others include:1

  • Taking painkillers to ease any aches and pains
  • Making sure you get plenty of rest and drink fluids
  • Eating small meals to reduce nausea and vomiting
  • Keeping your room well ventilated, wear loose-fitting clothing to soothe itchy skin and avoid hot baths
  • Avoiding alcohol to reduce the strain on your liver
  • Limiting contact with other people until at least a week after your jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) or other symptoms started
  • Practising good hygiene

Seek further advice from your healthcare professional if your symptoms are particularly troublesome or have not started to improve within a couple of months.

In some cases, your general practitioner (GP) may be able to prescribe medication to help with itchiness, nausea or vomiting.1 A small number of people with hepatitis A may get liver problems. You may need blood tests to check your liver is working properly.

How can the spread of hepatitis A be prevented?

The transmission of hepatitis A infection can be prevented by practising good personal hygiene. To avoid sexual transmission, it is important to wash your hands/genitals/buttocks after sex, use barriers during sex (condoms, gloves) and to not share sex toys or douching equipment.2

Hepatitis A vaccination

Vaccination against hepatitis A infection is also available. While vaccination is not routinely offered in the UK, it is recommended and offered free of charge for those who may be at increased risk, including men who have sex with men.1,2

The vaccination against Hepatitis A is usually given as an injection, with a second booster to provide long term protection.3


  1. NHS. Overview. Hepatitis A. October 2022. [Last accessed January 2024].
  2. Sexual Wellbeing. Hepatitis A in MSM. [Last accessed January 2024].
  3. NHS. Available vaccines. October 2022. [Last Access January 2024].